Manuscript submission guidelines

An electronic copy (preferably in *.doc or *.docx format) of a manuscript should be emailed to: or to 

Manuscripts are sent to two reviewers for evaluation and comments.

Manuscripts should conform to relevant stylistic guidelines of the Chicago Manual of Style, Documentation 2 (15th edition). Each manuscript should include complete author name(s), affiliation(s), mailing address, phone (fax), and e-mail information.

Articles should not exceed a maximum length of 8000 words, including references and footnotes. An abstract of no more than 250 words should accompany your submission. Submitted articles will undergo blind peer review. Manuscripts should not have been published elsewhere in substantially similar form while being reviewed by the Culture and Society.

The journal does not have any article processing charges (APCs) or any article submission charges.

Examples of Citations and References

Citations of works are given in the text in chronological order by enclosing the author‘s last name and the year of publication in parentheses—for example, (Brown 1995). Specific page or section citations follow the date, preceded by a comma: (Brown 2005, 45).

Other examples are as follows:

  • for dual authorship, (Adams and Savran 2002);
  • for more than three authors, (Bourdieu et al. 1999);
  • for two works by the same author in a single year, (Connell 1995a, 1995b);
  • for two or more works by different authors, (Bourdieu 1999; Brown 1995; Connell 1995).

Full documentation appears in the references. References must list all works cited in the text, including citations in footnotes. List works alphabetically by author and, under author, by year of publication.

The following are examples of references:

Entire book

  • Brown, W. 1995. States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity. Princeton, N. J.
    Princeton University Press.
  • Adams, R., Savran D., eds. 2002. The Masculinity Studies Reader. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

Book chapter

  • Brod, H. 2002. “Studying Masculinities as Superordinate Studies.” In Masculinity Studies & Feminist Theory: New Directions, ed. J. Kegan Gardner, 161-175. New York: Columbia University Press.

Journal article

  • Connell, R. 1993. “The Big Picture: Masculinities in Recent World History.” Theory and Society 22 (5): 597-623.

For more information, consult: “Dolumentation 2.” Chicago Manual of Style. 15th edition.